Cambodia Set Out Segway Tour in Temples in Phnom Penh


Among the array of excursions offered within the Indochina tour package, the temples in Phnom Penh stand out as the top choice for the majority of arrivals on their Cambodia tour.

These ancient marvels captivate visitors with their stunning architecture, rich history, and spiritual significance, making them a highlight of any exploration through Cambodia. Whether it’s the iconic splendor of Angkor Wat or the serene ambiance of Wat Phnom, these temples offer an unforgettable glimpse into Cambodia’s cultural heritage and architectural brilliance.

Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world
Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world

Phnom Penh’s City Hall had recently announced that they will implement widely the Segway hiring service for tourists to facilitate the exploration of Wat Phnom the leading heritage attraction of the bustling city.

Enjoy Cambodia local life by Segway
Enjoy Cambodia local life by Segway

According to the recent report of the Phnom Penh Post, 10 motorized two-wheeled scooters are solely available for hire at Wat Phnom. Initially, the Segways were the aid for the patrol of the security officers from a Chinese program; however, now these battery-powered scooters are imported for the tourists’ rental, said Met Measpheakdey, the official spokesman of Phnom Penh municipality. The representative also claimed that more Segways will be purchased and simultaneously, the service can be extended widely in other areas in Phnom Penh if the program can bring the expected results.
The cost for renting a stand-on scooter to sightsee around the temples is reasonable, a traveler only has to pay 10.000 Riel which is equivalent to 2.5 $USD for a 30-minute rental.